Monday 10 November 2014

How To Get Rid Of Menstruation Problem Using Natural Safe Remedies?

Menstruation affects every woman but some women experience extreme pain followed by cramps that lasts for longer than usual, causing extreme pain and inconvenience which disrupts normal life processes. Sometimes the pain worsens the subsequent month and the woman may have bleeding that is either too much or less. Some women require more than one pad every hour and this can cause inconvenience. If the woman also suffers from infections that cause itching, fever or chills, body aches, stomach pain and back ache which happen regularly, she requires cure. Herbal remedies for irregular periods can cure a range of related problem effortlessly.

Natural safe remedies for menstruation problem Gynecure capsule is effective in curing many conditions of menstruation. It offers easy remedy for effective management of the monthly flow.

Menstruation Herbal Pills
Other natural safe remedies for menstruation problem are -

1. Take nutritious diet which involves a good amount of green vegetables and fruits. The women's body requires a good amount of dietary fibre for preventing the problem of constipation in the pre-menstrual phase and dark green vegetables should be taken that are rich in iron, magnesium and calcium.

2. Avoid food or drinks that cause constriction of the blood vessels. Women who suffer from constriction of blood vessels may get a poor supply of oxygen to the genitals which cause pain. Cut caffeine which works as constrictor. It tightens the blood vessels and causes pain. Also women who take alcohol should avoid it.

3. One of the easiest ways to reduce pain is to do acupuncture to regulate the blood flow. Acupuncture relaxes the nervous system to reduce pain and calms down the brain. It is very effective natural remedy for reducing severe symptoms of monthly cycle.

4. It is necessary to do some exercises or physical work during this time to prevent pain because sometimes, women get more pain if they are not physically active. A normal level of exercise can regulate blood circulation and reduce pain caused by poor flow of blood.

5. Applying hot pad on the organ helps in improving blood circulation.

6. Take warm beverages instead of cold carbonated drinks.

7. Keep the legs raised when you lie on the bed.

8. Massage the belly area from the upper abdomen.

9. Meditation and yoga are effective methods that can help in reducing pain.

10. Women who are overweight suffer from the problem very frequently and they should try to reduce weight.

11. Take light meals to avoid pain and take laxatives or herbs that can prevent constipation or diarrhoea like condition.

12. Red raspberry leaves contain herbal components that can reduce the problem of cramps.

13. Women who suffer from poor blood flow need herbs to increase the level of blood in body and herb that can regulate the bleeding is angelica.

14. Many PMS symptoms can be reduced by taking herbal oil of black currant, evening primrose, and borage.

15. Women are advised to take herbal tea such as raspberry teas but avoid taking black tea. Herbal tea is uterine tonic and can cure mild conditions.

Natural safe remedies for irregular menstruation treatment are easily available in form of capsules i.e. Gynecure and are a complete cure for most of the severe conditions.

Herbal Remedies For Menstruation Problem, Prevent Irregular Vaginal Bleeding

Infrequent monthly release of blood or irregular menstruation happens in condition when the women's cycle starts after 35 days or before 22 days. Women may get bleeding between the monthly cycles and sometimes, women get excessive bleeding for more than 8 days which can cause paleness and fainting. About 15 percent women in childbearing age suffer from the problem of irregular menstrual disorders. The abnormal bleeding in women is categorized into ovulatory and anovulatory problems. Herbal remedies for menstruation problem can be taken to reduce both ovulatory and anovulatory problems and prevent irregular vaginal bleeding to restore normal cycles in body.

Herbal remedies for irregular periods contains complex bio active components that reduce pain and inflammation. It also regulates the secretions from glands and protects body from infections.

Menstruation Herbal Pills
Ovulatory bleeding is the condition, in which, the woman suffers from excess bleeding. Anovulatory refers to the condition where the woman fails to ovulate.

The problem of excess or low bleeding may involve any of the conditions -

1. Bleeding happens for more than eight days and on a regular basis.

2. Bleeding resumes in less than 21 days.

3. Shortened bleeding that is less than 2 days.

Missed the monthly cycle:

Some women may miss the regular cycle and may not get any bleeding for a few months. This is common in women who are in pre-menopausal state. However, some women complain of exercise induced missed cycles. The condition when the women misses a cycle is called   amenorrhea, and this is common in women athlete who may not get even spotting during some months because the intense exercising reduces the production of estrogen and other chemicals associated with female genitals. Amenorrhea or missing periods due to low estrogen production is common in five to twenty five percent of female athletes.

Inter-menstrual bleeding: Inter-menstrual bleeding, sometimes, happen in women who may get episodes of bleeding in between two regular monthly cycles. This can be just spotting or heavy bleeding.

Women suffering from irregular bleeding generally suffer from symptoms such as

1. Pain and cramping
2. Bleeding between the regular monthly cycles
3. Thick or foul-smelling discharge
4. Pain during lovemaking.

Women suffering from excess bleeding have reduced iron level in body. It also causes extreme pain and cramps during the monthly cycle. Additionally, it can become a major cause for infertility and miscarriage.

Herbal remedies for menstruation problem that prevent irregular vaginal bleeding are diuretics in nature and it can help in reducing pain or infections. Some of the common natural remedies that are widely used for preventing discomfort of monthly cycles are -

1. Dandelion, parsley, angelica, hydrangea and horsetail reduce pain.

2. Women who suffer from other forms of inconvenience such as craving, skin blemishes or tenderness in the organ can take herbal teas of chamomile.

3. Herbs such as black cohosh, wild yam, valerian yarrow, and feverfew are used to reduce cramp and acute conditions.

4. Herbal remedies for irregular menstruation treatment to prevent irregular vaginal bleeding is Gynecure capsules, which contains more than 20 herbs and is an approved cure that reduces pain, cramps and regulates monthly cycles. It empowers female organs and enhances secretions from glands for regulating monthly cycles.

Well Known Herbal Supplement To Get Relief From Painful Menstruation

In general, women get monthly bleeding in 28 days, where the bleeding may happen for three to five days but it has been observed that each and every women gets different type of monthly cycle. Some women get normal bleeding and some amount of pain in the back or stomach during this time, however, sometimes, women suffer from extreme pain in the back, reproductive organs and the digestive system. They may suffer from nausea, headaches and get vomiting sensation. Gynecure capsules is a well-known herbal supplement for irregular menstruation which can be taken regularly to cure both ovulatory and anovulatory problems in women.

Herbal irregular menstruation treatment to get relief from painful menstruation is also effective in curing infections and inflammation in reproductive system. It prevents infections that cause itching and reduces discharge caused due to leucorrhoea.

Menstruation Herbal Pills
Basically, the problems of excess pain during the monthly cycle in women can be explained as below-

During the monthly cycle, the womb contracts in normal conditions, this causes light pain. If the womb is exposed to certain changed conditions, it may vigorously contract. This affects the inner lining of the womb which sheds blood during the monthly cycle. The contraction compresses the blood vessels found in the organ and the compression may cut blood flow to the organ causing pain as the tissues do not get oxygen and due to the lack of oxygen, the womb releases certain chemicals that causes pain.

The release of pain causing chemicals happens along with the release of prostaglandins which causes further contractions and it can raise the level of pain. It is assumed that women who get a build-up of prostaglandins may get pain more than others because in such condition the contractions may get stronger.

Medical conditions that cause painful monthly cycle are -

1. Endometriosis - It is the condition where the women suffer from uterine pain as it appears to be outside the uterus.

2. Intrauterine device (IUD) - Sometimes, women get inserted copper or plastic based IUD, which increases pain during the monthly cycle.

3. Fibroids - Fibroids is the major cause for pain and excess bleeding during the monthly cycle. Fibroids are non-cancerous growth of cells in the uterine and it can cause adenomyosis. These are basically made up of smooth muscle but they swell when comes in contact with estrogen.

Some facts about fibroids are given below.

1. At least one in four women gets fibroids, sometime, in their lives.

2. It is commonly found in women in the age of 30 to 50.

3. Sometimes, the problem is genetic.

4. It is common in women who weigh more than 70 kilograms.

5. Researchers believe, it happens due to excess presence of estrogen in the body.

6. Pelvic inflammatory diseases - It is the condition, in which; the woman suffers from infections in the genitals which causes pain and inflammation.

7. Premenstrual syndrome (PMS), sexually transmitted infection (STD) and emotional issues can also cause the problem.

Women require additional supplement to manage the monthly cycle, if they suffer from the above conditions. Gynecure capsules are most effective herbal remedy for irregular periods to get relief from painful menstruation and should be taken regularly to get long-term relief.

Symptoms And Natural Supplements For Menstruation Problem

The process of menstruation happens for 3 to 5 days every month throughout the reproductive cycle in women and there is no complete cure for many of its painful symptoms. Women who normally multitask and work both at home and outside effortlessly, may get irritated at small issues during their monthly cycle because their bodies undergoes changes which involves the release of certain pain inducing chemicals. Researchers have not discovered any specified cause for the condition and so, the women suffering from PMS (or premenstrual syndrome) or irregular bleeding problems may not get a suitable cure. Natural irregular menstruation treatment are based on a set of herbs that can reduce pain naturally, without hurting the body's normal functioning.

Menstruation Herbal Pills
Natural supplements for menstruation problem such as Gynecure capsules empower the body with additional nutrition to fight infections and inflammation during this time. It also regulates the mood disorders. Natural supplements for menstruation problem contain more than 20 scarce herbs. These herbs are grown in unique geographical areas and have phyto chemical properties that can cure disorders in female genitals. Many of these herbs are rich in nutrients to empower the body and tissues of the reproductive system.

Some of the common symptoms for menstruation problem are -

1. Food craving
2. Fatigue
3. Depression or mood swings
4. Constipation
5. Stress
6. Insomnia
7. Bloating
8. Backache
9. Headache
10. Cramps in the digestive tract.

Symptoms for irregular menstruation problems are - no bleeding, minimal bleeding or excess bleeding.

Natural supplements for menstruation problem: Some simple lifestyle changes, remedies and preventive measure are very effective in reducing inconvenience suffered by women during the monthly cycles such as -

1. Women who suffer from the problem should regulate their lifestyle and avoid spicy or irritating foods that cause digestion problem.

2. Asafoetida is commonly recommended for digestive disorders and bloating.

3. Simple exercises and yoga helps to reduce pain.

4. Avoid stress and take regular sleep.

Herbs have natural compounds that can reduce the discomfort of monthly cycle and the properties of some herbs is given below -

1. Guattaria longifolia (Ashok) - Ashok is one of the prominent herbs mentioned in Ayurveda for the treatment of monthly cycles related problems. It is a herb which can regulate bleeding and prevent excess discharge.

2. Symplocos racemosa (Lodhra) - Lodhra reduces the pain during monthly cycle and cools the organ to prevent inflammation.

3. BovistaSpisis (Pataltumbi) - Pataltumbi is rich in antioxidants and it reduces the problem of monthly pain by preventing the impact of aging or formation of free radicals in the body.

4. Sphaeranthus indicus (Tapsivni) - Tapsivni is the herb that can regulate the digestive issues which grows in women during monthly cycle.

5. Bombax malabaricum (Mochras) - Mochras prevents diarrhoea during monthly cycle.

Gynecure capsules, herbal remedy for irregular periods is an ayurvedic cure for a range of symptoms of menstrual problems which contains the above listed herbs and its regular intake reduces pain, cramps and irregularity in monthly cycle. It is completely free of chemicals natural herbal preparation and therefore, it is risk less safe to use. It is hundred percent natural and its regular use for two to three month assures a comprehensive relief from the symptoms for menstruation problem.